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Blog Archive

Breast vs. Bottle Feeding May 4th, 2021

Deciding whether to bottle or breastfeed your new baby is a big decision for new parents. Although there are many benefits to breastfeeding newborns up to the age of one when possible, bottle feeding is also a healthy and effective way to give growing bodies the nutrients they need. Nova...

How Common Is ADD and How Can It Be Treated? Dec 30th, 2020

Attention Deficit Disorder, or ADD, is a mental disorder that impacts more than six million American children and their families, reports the ADD Resource Center. If you're worried about your child's lack of concentration and impulsiveness, Nova Pediatrics and Young Adult Medicine in Springfield, VA, can help. Our six staff pediatricians...

Taking Care of Your Newborn Nov 24th, 2020

Caring for a newborn can be intimidating for some individuals, especially if it is your first baby. The pediatricians at Nova Pediatrics and Young Adult Medicine in Springfield are here to help. Our experienced and caring providers can walk you through everything you need to know about taking care of...

Tips to Help Your Child Eat Healthier Sep 11th, 2020

You want your child to lead a healthy, happy life but it can be difficult if they are picky eaters or only seem to crave junk food. If you’re having trouble making smart nutritional choices when it comes to your kids, your child’s pediatrician can help you create some healthier...

The Importance Of Preventive Care Aug 31st, 2020

What parent doesn’t want to protect their child from getting injured or sick? While it will happen at some point, there are certainly ways that both you and your pediatrician can work together to ensure that your child doesn’t have to deal with completely avoidable injuries or illnesses. One way...

Child Behavior Problems Aug 17th, 2020

While we may not love it, all kids are going to act up, throw tantrums and be irritable at times; however, if your child is displaying negative actions and behaviors regularly, you may be concerned that there is something more going on. Is your child just “going through a phase”...

Living With Uncertainty Aug 11th, 2020

For those of you who don’t know me, I’m a general pediatrician in the Northern Virginia area. I just joined a fabulous new practice and thankful for the journey that brought me here.  And from time to time, I like to write about things that interest me about health, parenting,...

Make Sure Your Child Gets Their Regular Check-Ups Jul 30th, 2020

To ensure that your child grows up healthy and strong, they need to see a pediatrician for regular check-ups, screenings, and vaccines. These well-child visits are incredibly important for your child’s health and wellbeing and begin within the first week after your child is born. Since your child will be...

Seeking Help for Your Child's Sports Injuries Jul 16th, 2020

Regular physical activity is so important for your child’s health. If they have decided to start playing on a sports team this can also be a great way for them to build confidence and socialize. Of course, pediatricians also understand just how important it is to keep your little athlete...

The Basics on Infant Care Jul 7th, 2020

Now that your wee one is here with you Earthside, you’re ready to start your life as a new parent. Or are you? Fortunately, you can consult with one of our pediatricians here at Nova Pediatrics, in our Woodbridge or Springfield VA location for all your infant care questions. Meanwhile,...

How To Brush Your Child's Teeth Jul 1st, 2020

So, your child’s teeth just started to come in. We know that this can be an exciting milestone for parents. Of course, this also means considering your child’s oral health. Just as you brush and floss your teeth every day, you will now need to begin brushing your child’s teeth. While...

When To Get A Vision Test For Your Child Jun 18th, 2020

Parents want nothing more than their children to be healthy and happy. This applies to every element of their well-being, including their eyes! Your pediatrician recommends that all children receive a comprehensive eye exam by the age of one. These tests detect any problems that require correction. Prolonging an exam...

Signs That Your Child May Have Autism Jun 3rd, 2020

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a developmental condition that affects how a person views and interacts with the world around them, including other people. In most cases, differences become apparent by the time your child reaches 24 months. Mainly, parents notice behavioral differences and language delays. If you suspect that...

Signs Your Child Has ADHD May 6th, 2020

Parents want the best for their child, which is why check-ups and appointments with their pediatricians are so important. Yet your pediatrician isn’t just available for when your child is sick or has physical ailments. They can also help with mental and behavioral conditions, including the diagnosis and treatment of...

Tips for a Great Telemedicine Visit Apr 24th, 2020

How your pediatricians in Springfield, VA, can help your child stay healthy While there are times where it proves impossible to physically bring your child into your pediatrician's office, there is still a way to obtain proper healthcare. Here at Nova Pediatrics in Springfield and Woodbridge, VA, your children's doctors...

Why Immunizations Are Important Apr 20th, 2020

To keep your child healthy and happy this involves making sure that they eat the right foods, exercise regularly and get quality sleep. Of course, visiting your pediatrician for routine checkups and care is also necessary for maintaining optimal health in your child or teen. Along with making sure that...

Treating Warts Apr 3rd, 2020

Warts are common, benign bumps that develop on the skin as a result of a viral infection known as the human papillomavirus (HPV). Warts are pretty common in children and can develop just about anywhere on the body; however, they are most often found on the face, feet, and hands....

Getting a Hearing Screening for Your Child Mar 19th, 2020

As soon as your baby is born but before they leave the hospital, they will need to undergo a hearing screening (most hospitals perform a hearing screening but it’s also a good idea to ask). Congenital hearing loss, which occurs at birth, affects less than 1 percent of newborns; however,...

Flu Seasons Worse Than Expected For Children, CDC Reports Mar 10th, 2020

NBC NEWS (3/7) reported “at least 34 million Americans have been sickened with the flu so far this season and an estimated 20,000 people have died from it, with the illness taking a higher-than-expected toll on children, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported Friday.” Rates of hospitalization “among...

Treating Your Child's Allergies Mar 3rd, 2020

Sneezing. Watery eyes. Stuffy nose. These could just be symptoms of a cold or these could be signs that your child has allergies. If you notice that your child’s symptoms flare-up during certain times of the year then this could definitely be a sign of seasonal allergies. Unfortunately, allergies can...

The Ominous Rise of Toddler Milk Feb 24th, 2020

Baby-formula sales are slumping, so the companies that make it have turned to supplements for 3-year-olds. The next move after a child is done with infant formula, according to nutrition experts, is to give them water or cow’s milk. But according to formula manufacturers, it’s to give them toddler milk....

Why Are Vaccines Important? Feb 21st, 2020

Vaccines are important for the health of young school-aged children. At Nova Pediatrics and Young Adult Medicine in Woodbridge and Springfield, VA, pediatricians work with parents to help them keep up with their child's vaccination schedule. Immunizations are important because children under age 12 have a vulnerable immune system. Vaccines...

Signs of Strep Throat Feb 17th, 2020

It's important to be able to spot the differences between a regular sore throat or viral infection and strep throat. Anyone can get strep throat, but it is most common in children and teenagers. If you notice any of these symptoms in your child, it's important to see your pediatrician...

Diabetes and Your Child Feb 4th, 2020

With the rise of newly diagnosed cases of type 1 and type 2 diabetes in children in the US, it’s now more important than ever for both parents and children to understand ways to prevent diabetes, as well as being able to identify the symptoms of type 1 and type...

Managing Your Child's Asthma Jan 17th, 2020

While there is no cure for asthma, there are ways to manage your child’s asthma symptoms and to reduce the risk for a flare-up. Of course, to be able to properly control your child’s asthma it’s important to understand more about this condition and what triggers your child’s symptoms. A...

Treating Your Child's Ear Infection Jan 3rd, 2020

An ear infection is one of the most common infections that children have to deal with. In fact, most children will experience at least one ear infection by the time they are five years old. Of course, it’s important to understand the telltale signs of an ear infection, as well...

Dietary and Nutrition Guidance Dec 6th, 2019

Having healthy, happy children begins with a healthy diet. We know that in this day and age life gets pretty hectic and it isn’t always easy to eat right; however, for the health of your family it is important to make healthy eating habits part of your daily routine. The...

Dealing With Sports Injuries Nov 26th, 2019

Millions of children across the US regularly participate in some kind of sport. No matter whether your child is a dancer, gymnast, soccer player, or football player, the goals of parents are always the same: to keep their child healthy and to prevent injury. Having a pediatrician that you turn...

How to Care for Your Newborn Nov 12th, 2019

Once you find out you’re pregnant it seems like everything shifts focus to how you are going to take care of yourself and your unborn child. Furthermore, you start making decisions about how to care for your baby once it enters the world. One of the most important aspects is...

The Importance Of Regular Wellness Visits Oct 31st, 2019

One moment your child is born and the next moment they are sitting up, saying their first word and taking their first steps. It’s amazing just how many milestones your child will reach in just the first few years of their life, and in order to ensure that your child...

Kids and Bedwetting Oct 22nd, 2019

Bedwetting is a common childhood problem. Many children who master toilet training during the day, usually between the ages of two and four, continue to experience episodes of bedwetting through the night. In many cases, the nighttime bedwetting incidents will gradually decrease until they have completely ceased around the age...

Signs of Appendicitis Oct 15th, 2019

Truth is, anyone with an appendix can get appendicitis—even our children. Appendicitis is a painful inflammation of the hollow, finger-shaped organ attached to the end of the large intestine. If left untreated, an inflamed appendix can rupture, leading to a lengthy hospital stay for complications including abdominal infection and bowel...

Kids and Sore Throats Sep 19th, 2019

In infants, toddlers and preschoolers, the most frequent cause of sore throats is a viral infection. No specific medicine is required when a virus is responsible, and the child should get better over a seven to ten day period. During this period, your child may develop a fever, but they...

Keep Your Kids Safe from Concussions Sep 10th, 2019

A hit to the head during a soccer game or a hard fall from skateboarding may result in a serious head injury and even a concussion. The American Academy of Pediatrics describes a concussion as any injury to the brain that disrupts normal brain function on a temporary or permanent...

Dealing With Your Child's Fever Aug 23rd, 2019

Generally, a fever is brought on by an infection from a virus or bacterial infection. While many times a parent’s first instinct is to worry when their child has a fever, it’s not necessarily a sign that something serious is taking place. That’s because a fever is the body’s normal,...

FAQs About Car Seats and Recommendations Aug 7th, 2019

Kids may complain about being restrained in the car, but car seats and booster seats save lives. In fact, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reports that using a car or booster seat in a passenger car reduces the risk of fatal injury 71 percent in children younger than 1...

Treating Mono in Your Child Jul 18th, 2019

Has your child been uncharacteristically fatigued as of late? Whereas before they were running and jumping around, now they seem more sluggish and uninterested. Perhaps this weary state has also been accompanied by a recurrent sore throat and headaches? If so, your child may be afflicted by Mononucleosis—a condition better known...

What Happens During a Child Physical Exam? Jul 3rd, 2019

Once your child is born it’s amazing just how quickly they grow and develop. It seems like you blink and suddenly they are talking and walking. During these important milestones it’s also important to have a pediatrician that you turn to regularly to make sure that these developmental milestones are...

Treating Diabetes in Your Child Jun 18th, 2019

If your child has just been diagnosed with diabetes, it’s important that you have a pediatrician you can turn to in order to create a customized and effective treatment plan. While diabetes cannot be cured, diagnosing, and treating your child’s diabetes as soon as possible is key to helping them...

Treating Sports Injuries Jun 4th, 2019

Your child's sports injury can be treated just as your injury was. Or, can it? Your pediatrician knows that a child's body is still developing, responding differently to acute and overuse injuries from organized sports, gym class, and more. As such, he or she can help your child avoid injury...

Mental Health Wellness and Your Child May 15th, 2019

It’s easy for parents to be able to pinpoint when there is something physically wrong with their child. They may have a fever, body aches, or abdominal pain. When these symptoms arise parents often know to seek care from their pediatrician. Mental health issues, on the other hand, are just...

What is Autism? May 3rd, 2019

What is Autism? Autism spectrum disorder (ASD), or autism, is a developmental disability that can cause significant communication, communication, and behavioral challenges. The thinking, learning, and problem-solving abilities of individuals with autism can range from gifted to severely challenged. Some individuals with autism need only a bit of help in...

Signs Your Child May Have the Flu Apr 19th, 2019

Your child just woke up with a runny nose, an elevated temperature and body aches. Could this just be a passing cold or could it be the flu? It’s important to be able to tell the difference between the two. A common cold is usually mild and will go away...

Proper Nutrition Habits Apr 12th, 2019

Why Proper Nutrition is Important As a parent, it goes without saying that you want what is best for your child. Making sure that your little ones grow up healthy, happy, and prepared for the future is often one of the most difficult, yet regarding, tasks in all of parenthood....

Dealing With a Broken Bone Mar 20th, 2019

The harder your children play, the harder they might fall. During childhood, fractures and broken bones are common for children playing or participating in sports. While falls are a common part of childhood, your pediatrician in shares important information to help you understand if your child has a broken bone. ...

Dealing With Chickenpox Mar 4th, 2019

At some point in our childhood, we might have experienced chicken pox. While chicken pox most often occurs in children under the age of 12, it can also occur in adults who never had it as children. Chickenpox is an itchy rash of spots that look like blisters and can...

Why Hearing Screenings Are Important For Your Child Feb 15th, 2019

A hearing screening is the easiest way to determine if your child is suffering from hearing loss. Thanks to a hearing screening, your pediatrician can determine the degree of hearing loss and how best to help your child hear well again. If your child’s hearing loss goes undiagnosed, it can...

What is Whooping Cough? Feb 6th, 2019

Named after the characteristic sound of its notorious coughing fits, whooping cough is an extraordinarily uncomfortable condition that typically manifests itself in babies and in children ages 11 to 18 whose vaccine-provided immunities have begun to fade. In addition to causing several debilitating symptoms, whooping cough also carries the possibility...

Caring For Your Newborn Jan 17th, 2019

There is a lot of care and work that goes into raising a newborn, and your pediatrician is here to help right from the beginning. Your pediatrician typically sees your newborn for their very first appointment within a few days of being discharged from the hospital. Your pediatrician is here...

Does Your Child Have Vision Problems? Jan 10th, 2019

Does your child have vision problems? Children learn through their eyes. Healthy vision is critical for children to see the computer and chalkboard, read, write, and even play. Children's eyes should be examined regularly, as many eye conditions and vision problems can be detected and treated early. Here are six...

Helping Your Child Manage a Healthy Weight Dec 17th, 2018

Maintaining an optimum weight is important for the health of your little one. It’s never too early to make sure that your child is adopting the best habits for maintaining a healthy weight. After all, with obesity on the rise among our children and teens, it’s so important that we...

When To Take Your Child To Urgent Care Dec 7th, 2018

When To Take Your Child To Urgent Care As a parent, you want to always do everything you can when your child is sick, but sometimes it’s hard to tell exactly how sick your child is, especially when they’re very young and can’t communicate what is bothering them. Urgent care...

The Importance of Immunizations Nov 19th, 2018

The importance of immunizations Childhood immunizations are one of the most important safeguards against communicable diseases and their serious, long-term complications. Your pediatrician closely adheres to the vaccination schedules published by the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Why? Well, there's nothing more...

Cold Vs. Flu Nov 5th, 2018

Cold Vs. Flu Is it a cold or the flu? When it comes to your child's health, your pediatrician provides great information and guidance on the most common illnesses plaguing families. If you are wondering about the exact nature of your child's illness and how to treat it, learn the...

What to Expect at a Sports Physical Oct 24th, 2018

Your child is eager to start the school year so they can participate in sports. That’s great news! Keeping your child active is an important part of a healthy lifestyle and sports can be a great experience for many children; however, it’s also important that your child’s pediatrician performs a...

Common Sports Injuries and How Your Pediatrician Can Help Oct 21st, 2018

Even though you try as hard as possible to keep your child safe while they are playing sports, accidents still happen. At these moments, it’s important that you know whether these are injuries that can easily be treated from the comfort of your own home or whether you need to...

Proper Hand Washing Methods Mar 9th, 2018

One of the most effective ways to prevent the spread of illnesses is through proper hand washing.  Young children in particular need to be reminded to wash their hands, which is very important after sneezing, nose-blowing, using the bathroom and before eating. With help from your child’s pediatrician, you can...

Appendicitis in Children Feb 6th, 2018

Truth is, anyone with an appendix can get appendicitis—even our children. Appendicitis is a painful inflammation of the hollow, finger-shaped organ attached to the end of the large intestine. If left untreated, an inflamed appendix can rupture, leading to a lengthy hospital stay for complications including abdominal infection and bowel...

Symptoms of Whooping Cough Jan 16th, 2018

When your child is sick, it can take a toll on not only them, put you as a parent. Your pediatrician is available to help you restore the health of your child. Whooping cough is an infection of the respiratory system that is caused by the bacterium Bordetella pertussis (or B....

Mono: Symptoms and Prevention Jan 3rd, 2018

Understanding Mono: The “Kissing Disease” Often called the kissing disease, mononucleosis (mono) is a caused by a virus that is transmitted through saliva. You can get this infection through kissing, but you can also be exposed through a cough or sneeze, or even by sharing a glass or food utensils...

Treating a Cut Dec 15th, 2017

A child’s job is to explore every nook and cranny of their world, but that can often lead way to injury. From split lips to skinned knees, scrapes and cuts are rites of passage for our children. As parents you can take all the precautions possible, but “boo-boos” will happen....

Healthy Eating Options for Busy Families Dec 4th, 2017

Sometimes a sit-down meal seems impossible at times for busy families and making sure that a meal is healthy feels like an even bigger challenge. With a little organization, you can have the chance to serve healthy meals and sit down as a family once again. However, other nights you...

Parents: Protect Your Children from Burns Nov 13th, 2017

From washing up under too hot of water to an accidental tipping of a coffee cup, burns are a potential hazard in every home. In fact, burns are some of the most common childhood accidents that occur. Babies and young children are especially susceptible to burns because they are curious,...

Does My Child Have a Vision Problem? Nov 1st, 2017

As a parent, you may rely on the results of a school vision screening or the fact that your child doesn’t report any symptoms as an indication he or she does not have a vision problem. However, these are not necessarily reliable ways of determining if a vision problem does...

Childhood Obesity: Helpful Tips for Parents of Overweight Children Oct 13th, 2017

More and more, childhood obesity is becoming prevalent in the U.S. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, over the past two decades it has doubled in children and tripled among teens. Obesity during childhood is a serious matter that can lead to medical problems, including diabetes, asthma, sleep apnea...

When a Sore Throat Interrupts Your Child's Health Oct 4th, 2017

In infants, toddlers and preschoolers, the most frequent cause of sore throats is a viral infection. No specific medicine is required when a virus is responsible, and the child should get better over a seven to ten day period. During this period, your child may develop a fever, but they...

How to Tell the Difference between Sinusitis and a Cold Sep 15th, 2017

Many people mistake a common cold for sinusitis, and vice versa, as the symptoms of a cold and a sinus infection can be quite similar to each other because the same viruses often cause both conditions. Additionally, since the nose and sinuses are connected, it is possible for viruses to...

Kids and Bedwetting: When Should I Be Concerned? Sep 6th, 2017

Bedwetting is a common childhood problem. Many children who master toilet training during the day, usually between the ages of two and four, continue to experience episodes of bedwetting through the night. In many cases, the nighttime bedwetting incidents will gradually decrease until they have completely ceased around the age of...

How to Protect Kids from the Sun Aug 15th, 2017

Too many parents wrongly assume that the sun is only dangerous when it’s shining brightly. The fact is, the sun’s rays are dangerous no matter what time of the year, and too much exposure during childhood can lead to serious problems later in life. Parents should pay special care to...

Understanding Infant Jaundice Aug 1st, 2017

Jaundice is a common condition in newborns, caused by excess yellow pigment in the blood called bilirubin, which is produced by the normal breakdown of red blood cells. When bilirubin is produced faster than a newborn’s liver can break it down, the baby’s skin and eyes will appear yellow in...

How to Keep Germs At Bay and Illnesses Away Jul 17th, 2017

Kids pick up germs all day, every day. Whether they are sharing toys, playing at day care or sitting in the classroom, whenever children are together, they are at risk for spreading infectious diseases. Parents should play an active role in helping their kids stay healthy by taking extra precaution...

Fever Phobia? When Parents Should Call Their Pediatrician Jul 5th, 2017

Generally, a fever is brought on by an infection from a virus or bacterial infection. While many times a parent’s first instinct is to worry when their child has a fever, it’s not necessarily a sign that something serious is taking place. That’s because a fever is the body’s normal,...

Introducing Solids: How to Transition from the Bottle to Spoon Jun 15th, 2017

Giving your baby his first spoonful of solid foods is an exciting time! Many parents look forward to the day their little one takes their first bite of rice cereal, and in many cases, baby is just as eager! So how do you know if your baby is ready to...

Is Eczema Causing My Child's Rash? Jun 2nd, 2017

It’s normal for a child to get a rash at one time or another. But one common type of rash, known as eczema, can be especially troubling. Eczema refers to many types of skin inflammation, with atopic dermatitis being one of the most common forms of eczema to develop during a...

Understanding Childhood Asthma May 16th, 2017

A common condition seen in kids and teens, asthma is a lung condition that causes trouble breathing and shortness of breath. During an attack, the bronchial airways become inflamed and the muscles surrounding them constrict, making breathing difficult. Repeated attacks may cause permanent lung damage and in severe cases can...

How to Help Your Teen Make Healthy Eating Choices May 2nd, 2017

As children grow into adolescence, their bodies require more nutrients to grow healthy and strong. But as many parents know, for those teens with busy school schedules, sports practices and jobs, managing a healthy, well-balanced meal plan isn’t always at the top of their priority list. In many cases, a...

New Parents: How to Select the Right Crib for Your Baby Apr 18th, 2017

A new baby needs a lot of things. From bottles and car seats to high chairs and baby monitors, an expectant parent has a lot of decisions and purchases to make before baby’s arrival. Considering your baby will spend a great deal of time here, a crib is one of...

Understanding Tonsillitis Mar 31st, 2017

The tonsils are oval-shaped, pink masses of tissue on both sides of the throat. They are part of the body's immune system, designed to fight off bacteria and viruses that try to enter the body through the mouth. Sometimes common illnesses are too much for the tonsils to handle, and...

Headaches and Children: Knowing When to Call the Pediatrician Mar 14th, 2017

A number of factors can cause a child to develop a headache, such as stress, lack of sleep, skipped meals and certain medications. Other times a child may suffer from a headache due to a common illness or infection, such as a cold or flu.  And in serious cases, head...

Does My Child Have a Food Allergy? Mar 1st, 2017

Especially during the younger years, adequate food and nutrition is vital for a child’s growth and development. But for some children, a snack or meal as simple as a peanut butter sandwich or a cup of milk can cause serious health problems. So, what’s a parent to do when they...

Hear This: Turning Down the Volume Now May Save Your Teen's Hearing in Adult Years Feb 15th, 2017

It may seem like your teenager is ignoring you, but in reality, they may be having trouble hearing you. More and more we see kids listening to their MP3 players while doing homework, walking to school or riding in the car. The result? A surge in hearing loss. For years,...

Diaper Rash: How to Soothe and Protect Your Baby's Bottom Feb 2nd, 2017

A baby’s soft, smooth skin is delicate, making it susceptible to diaper rash, a common and mild irritation of the skin that causes redness in the area where the diaper is worn. Most cases of diaper rash are caused by excessive moisture from leaving a wet or soiled diaper on...

Fit Kids, Healthy Kids - How to Make Exercise a Way of Life Jan 16th, 2017

Children need physical activity on a regular basis to keep them healthy and strong. It’s unfortunate that many kids today are considered overweight. In fact, according to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, childhood obesity has more than tripled in the past 30 years. And in 2008, more than one-third...

Battling Teenage Acne Jan 3rd, 2017

Acne is by far the most common skin complaint among teenagers, affecting nearly all of those between the ages of 12 and 17 at least occasionally, according to the American Academy of Dermatology. In most cases, hormones released during puberty are responsible for the appearance of blemishes during the teen...

How to Keep Injuries at Bay when Kids are at Play Dec 15th, 2016

Whether it’s at the park, school or in your own backyard, kids of all ages enjoy climbing on the monkey bars, going down the slide and swinging.  Playgrounds are a great place for kids to exercise, take in fresh air and socialize with friends.   Unfortunately, it’s also a place many...

How to Avoid and Manage Dreaded Head Lice Nov 30th, 2016

Two words parents dread hearing--head lice. Head lice are parasites that can be found on the heads of people, most common among preschool and elementary children. Each year millions of school-aged children in the U.S. get head lice. Though it may be a nuisance, the good news is that lice...

Use Your Head: How to Keep Your Kids Safe from Concussions Nov 15th, 2016

A hit to the head during a soccer game or a hard fall from skateboarding may result in a serious head injury and even a concussion. The American Academy of Pediatrics describes a concussion as any injury to the brain that disrupts normal brain function on a temporary or permanent...

Fighting Flu Season: How to Protect Your Family from the Influenza Virus Nov 3rd, 2016

With the arrival of flu season, many parents will be watching their children closely for symptoms of this dreaded virus.  The flu, also known as influenza, is a highly contagious viral infection of the respiratory tract (nose, throat and lungs).   The virus spreads easily in settings where many people are...

Welcome to Our Blog! Nov 3rd, 2016

We know nothing is more important to you than your child’s health, and the more information you have, the better you can care for them! Pediatric care is an all-encompassing discipline devoted to ensuring your child builds a strong foundation for good health throughout their life. While we can help,...