Breast vs. Bottle Feeding
Deciding whether to bottle or breastfeed your new baby is a big decision for new parents. Although there are many benefits to breastfeeding newborns up to the age of one when possible, bottle feeding is also a healthy and effective way to give growing bodies the nutrients they need. Nova Pediatrics in Springfield and Woodbridge, VA, offers newborn care and patient education services to help expecting parents find the best option for their family.
Newborn Care in Springfield, VA
Generally speaking, medical organizations like the American Medical Association (AMA) and the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommend breastfeeding when possible for up to twelve months after the baby is born. But if breastfeeding is not an option or new parents simply prefer to bottle feed instead, then formula is a perfectly healthy and adequate source of essential nutrition for a growing baby. Here are some of the basic facts and benefits of each method:
Benefits of Breastfeeding
- Boost your baby's immune system and developing bones
- Save money on formula
- Depending on how many ounces your baby drinks every day, breastfeeding moms can reportedly burn anywhere from 300-600 calories per day according to some sources
- Breastfeeding may cause a delay in the return of the menstrual cycle
Benefits of Bottle Feeding
- Greater flexibility for new parents in terms of where and who can feed the baby
- Allows mothers to take any necessary medications
- Easy and efficient for both newborns and parents
- It may be more convenient for moms who have to return to work shortly after giving birth
The truth is that there is no right or wrong way to feed a baby as long as they are getting the nutrition and care that they need as they develop and grow. Parents can form a strong and loving bond with their babies using either method. Talk to our newborn care specialists in Springfield and Woodbridge to learn more.
Find a Pediatrician in Springfield and Woodbridge, VA
For more information about the best nutrition and newborn care options for your family, contact Nova Pediatrics by calling (703) 451-3333 for the Springfield, VA, office, and (703) 491-2141 for the Woodbridge, VA, office.
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